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Eileen Benthal

Bloom where you’re planted

by Jul 5, 2020
May this summer be a time of new growth and beauty for all of us to bloom — wherever our lives are planted.

Life is unpredictable, but how we respond to life is within our control

by Feb 16, 2020
We may not be able to control what happens to us and around us — but we can control our response.

A Mother’s Day reflection

by May 12, 2019
To my fellow “medical mamas” the ones I know and the ones whose eyes I meet while walking through the hospital halls — I wish you endless strength today.

Immerse the world in the ocean of mercy

by Apr 28, 2019
The Divine Mercy devotion started with a nun in Poland

Learning to take life one day at a time

by Mar 31, 2019
If you ask parents of kids with disabilities what they fear the most, many — if not all — would say, “the future.” It is the future that keeps us lying awake at night. The future is only as far as our worries take us.

Mute the distractions and embrace the sound of silence

by Mar 17, 2019
The first few days were a little hard. I had to delete apps to keep my focus and reduce the temptation to check in on my social media accounts.

Opt for progress — not perfection

by Jan 20, 2019
Making resolutions for the new year can seem daunting when you look back at all you didn't accomplish in the year just ended. But rather than be discouraged about what you didn't accomplish, focus instead on progress.
2014 0105 life on purpose wise men

Take time to enjoy the true gifts of Christmas

by Jan 6, 2019
Taking the time to find signs that point out the same way the Magi journeyed will help us find God in places we least expect.

Do you hear what I hear? The Christmas story reveals God’s voice in ordinary human experience

by Dec 23, 2018
Sit by a crèche and read the Christmas story. And let God speak to you in the ordinary experiences of your life to see the ways in which his extraordinary plans are unfolding in you.

It’s Christmas — what are you waiting for?

by Dec 9, 2018
Beneath all the glitter of this commercialized season, I know many people who are waiting for much greater things than a neatly wrapped gift beneath a Christmas tree.